A Guide to Prenatal Vitamins:
Nutrients for a Healthy Pregnancy

When you’re ready to grow your family, stocking up on prenatal vitamins may be your first rite of passage as a parent-to-be. So why are prenatal vitamins so important? How can they benefit your baby’s growth and development? When should you start taking them? And how does a prenatal supplement differ from a standard multivitamin?

In this comprehensive guide, we're breaking down the benefits of prenatal vitamins and how to choose the best option for each stage of your pregnancy. 

Table of Contents

What Are Prenatal Vitamins?

Why Are Prenatal Vitamins Important for a Healthy Pregnancy?

When Should You Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins?

What Should I Look for in Prenatal Vitamins?

Do Prenatal Supplements Have Side Effects?

Shop Prenatal Supplements

What Are Prenatal Vitamins?

Prenatal vitamins are dietary supplements that have been specifically formulated to provide essential nutrients to support a healthy pregnancy.

Prenatal supplements can help to fill in nutritional gaps in your diet, address deficiencies, support your baby’s growth and development, and lessen the risk of certain pregnancy complications and birth defects.1*

Why Are Prenatal Supplements Important for a Healthy Pregnancy?

Prenatal supplements help to support a healthy pregnancy and proper fetal growth and development.

Along with the additional calories needed to support your changing body and your baby’s development, your daily intake requirements for certain vitamins and minerals—particularly folate, iron, iodine and choline—will increase during pregnancy.2 Some of these nutrients may be difficult to get through diet alone. When combined with a balanced diet, prenatal supplements can help to ensure you’re getting all of the vitamins and minerals you need in the optimal amounts for each stage of pregnancy. Plus, your nutritional needs change throughout each unique trimester of pregnancy so it's important to ensure your prenatal nutrition is targeted to deliver the nutrients you need, when you need them the most. 

Prenatal supplements are also considered a safe and effective way to lower the risk of certain negative maternal and fetal outcomes, including preeclampsia and neural tube defects.3*

When Should You Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins?

Ideally, you should start taking prenatal supplements three to six months before you hope to get pregnant. This can help you address any deficiencies and build up your nutrient stores to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy. This is also a prime time to get your partner started on a multivitamin designed to support men’s health and fertility.

It may sound a bit counterintuitive to take prenatal vitamins when you’re not pregnant, but there’s a major benefit to getting a head start on prenatal supplementation. The first trimester is a critical time in your baby’s development. During these first few weeks, your baby starts to develop their brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs. But the average woman doesn’t find out she’s pregnant until the 5th or 6th week—which means much of this development may take place before you even realize you’re expecting.4

Starting a prenatal supplement before you conceive can help to ensure your baby is getting those vital nutrients from day one. And in the meantime, prenatal vitamins can do wonders for your skin, hair, nails, energy and mood.

When you’re ready to start trying, our Conception Support Pack helps to prepare your body for pregnancy with a full-spectrum prenatal vitamin, along with immune support, added omegas, additional folate, and a CoQ10 capsule to support egg health.*

Of course, nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned,so if you find out you’re expecting before you’ve had a chance to start taking prenatal vitamins, don’t panic. Your OB/GYN will get you started on a prenatal supplement at your first prenatal appointment. Perelel prenatal supplements may also qualify for coverage through your FSA or HSA account.*

What Should I Look for in a Prenatal Vitamin?

Choosing a prenatal supplement can feel like an overwhelming task. With so many options to choose from, how can you figure out which products contain the right nutrients in the right amounts for each stage of your pregnancy? 

 To start fine-tuning your search, there are a few key ingredients you should look for in a prenatal supplement.

1. Folate

Folate is one of the most important nutrients for pregnant women, because it plays a vital role in helping to reduce the risk of neural tube defects during the early weeks of pregnancy.6 The recommended daily intake for an adult woman is 400 mcg, but that increases to 600 mcg during pregnancy.7

Many prenatal vitamins list folic acid on the label. So what’s the difference between folic acid and folate? Folic acid is a synthetic version of folate, which needs to be converted by the body into an active form of folate. However, not all women are able to effectively convert folic acid—so Perelel supplements provide methylated folate, which is more easily converted by the body for absorption.*

2. Iron

During pregnancy, your daily recommended intake of iron increases from 18 mg to 27 mg. Iron supports the growth and development of the fetus and placenta, in addition to helping your body increase red blood cell production.8

To ensure you’re getting an adequate amount of iron during pregnancy, Perelel prenatal supplements include a chelated format of iron to allow for optimal absorption, along with vitamin C to help optimize iron absorption.*

3. DHA + EPA

Omega-3 fatty acids play a role in your baby’s brain, eye and nervous system development as well as providing anti-inflammatory benefits and supporting a healthy birth weight.

Two omega-3 fatty acids in particular, DHA and EPA, work in tandem to benefit a healthy pregnancy. EPA plays a role in transporting essential fatty acids, including DHA, across the placenta and cell membranes—so be sure to look for a prenatal supplement that contains both.*

4. Choline

Choline is a compound found in many foods and also synthesized by the body. However, the body can’t synthesize enough to keep up with your daily needs, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough through your diet and supplements.

Up to 95 percent of pregnant women consume less than the recommended intake of choline per day.9 Low choline intake has been associated with pregnancy complications like preeclampsia, premature delivery, and low birth weight. That’s why Perelel prenatal supplements include a significantly higher dose of choline than most prenatal vitamins to help support fetal neurodevelopment and DHA metabolism.*

There are a few more ingredients every prenatal vitamin needs to support your health and your baby’s development:

  • Vitamin A is essential for your baby’s development, including the formation of the eyes, ears, limbs, and heart. (However, it’s important to note that too much vitamin A—more than 3,000 mcg per day—may increase the risk of abnormalities in your baby’s development.10)

  • B vitamins can help to prevent side effects caused by vitamin B deficiency, including hair loss, anemia, digestive problems, lower immune response, weakness and fatigue.

  • Vitamin C helps with iron absorption and supports a healthy immune system. Research suggests vitamin C may also offer protective effects against preeclampsia.11

  • Vitamin D supports bone health and also plays a role in blood pressure, mood, brain function and immune system function.

  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can benefit eye health, brain health, cell repair and reproductive health.

  • Zinc helps to prevent zinc deficiency, which is common among pregnant women due to rapid cell growth.12 Research suggests low zinc levels may increase the risk of preterm birth or prolonged labor.13

  • Iodine is crucial for thyroid support and can be difficult to get enough of through diet alone.*

Do Prenatal Vitamins Have Side Effects?

Prenatal vitamins are generally a safe way to support your overall health and reduce the risk of certain pregnancy complications and birth defects.14 However, there are a few potential side effects. 

For some women, the iron in prenatal vitamins may contribute to constipation. If you’re one of them, you may be able to alleviate constipation by eating high fiber foods, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting regular exercise. If that doesn’t help, your OB/GYN may recommend an over-the-counter medication for constipation or may suggest taking a smaller amount of iron.15 

Because some women experience constipation or bloating, there’s a misconception that prenatal vitamins might make you gain weight. However, prenatal vitamins aren’t associated with weight gain. Prenatal supplements are often taken while your weight is increasing due to pregnancy, but they can also be taken when you’re focusing on improved nutrition and weight management. 

When it comes to prenatal vitamins, you can have too much of a good thing. If you exceed the tolerable upper intake level for certain vitamins—especially fat-soluble vitamins, which are stored in your liver and body fat—you may experience toxic side effects.16 Be sure to take your prenatal vitamins as directed and review the supplements you’re taking with your healthcare provider.

With so many options available on the market, it’s also important to read labels carefully and research the specific supplement you’re taking. The FDA recommends asking your doctor the following questions before starting a new supplement:17

  • How much should I take?

  • Will they affect the prescription or over-the-counter medicines I take?

  • When should I take them? For how long?

To ensure quality, Perelel supplements are made in FDA Registered and Inspected Facilities; are subject to third-party testing to confirm purity and potency; and adhere to the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations.* 

Shop Prenatal Supplements

Choosing a prenatal supplement can feel daunting—but it doesn’t have to be. Developed by a panel of OB/GYNs and maternal-fetal medicine specialists, Perelel prenatal supplements are backed by research and clinical insights to provide optimal nutrition tailored to each unique stage of pregnancy.

1st Trimester Prenatal Pack

1st Trimester Prenatal daily packs were formulated by a panel of leading obstetricians and maternal-fetal medicine doctors. Every ingredient is backed by research and targeted to your exact needs for weeks 0-13 of pregnancy.

Directions: Take one pack daily with food and a full glass of water.

As with any supplement, consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medications.


Perelel’s 1st Trimester Prenatal Pack supports your baby’s early development while easing morning sickness. Each pack includes:

  • 2 Core Prenatal capsules for optimal nutrition and immune support*

  • Omega DHA + EPA to support your mood and your baby’s brain development*

  • Methylfolate to support early pregnancy and fetal neural development*

  • Anti-Nausea Blend with B6 + Ginger*

2nd Trimester Prenatal Pack

2nd Trimester Prenatal daily packs were formulated by a panel of leading obstetricians and maternal-fetal medicine doctors. Every ingredient is backed by research and targeted to your exact needs for weeks 14-27 of pregnancy.

Directions: Take one pack daily with food and a full glass of water.

As with any supplement, consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication.


The 2nd Trimester Prenatal Pack is formulated to support your baby’s skeletal growth while relieving those uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms such as muscle cramps and sleep issues. (These prenatal stretches can help, too.) Each pack includes:

  • 2 Core Prenatal capsules for optimal nutrition and immune support*

  • Omega DHA + EPA to support your mood and your baby’s brain development*

  • 2 Calcium + Magnesium capsules to support bone growth and healthy teeth development while helping to lessen muscle cramps and promote relaxation*

3rd Trimester Prenatal Pack

3rd Trimester Prenatal daily packs were formulated by a panel of leading obstetricians and maternal-fetal medicine doctors. Every ingredient is backed by research and targeted to your exact needs for weeks 28-40+ of pregnancy.

Directions: Take one pack daily with food and a full glass of water.

As with any supplement, consult your doctor before use if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medications.


As you enter the home stretch of your pregnancy, Perelel’s 3rd Trimester Prenatal Pack helps to prepare your body for birth while supporting your baby’s rapid growth. Because hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect gut function and bacterial composition, probiotics are added to support a healthy gut microbiome for you and your baby. Each pack includes:

  • 2 Core Prenatal capsules for optimal nutrition and immune support*

  • Omega DHA + EPA to support your mood and your baby’s brain development*

  • Calcium + Magnesium to support bone growth and healthy teeth development while helping to lessen muscle cramps and promote relaxation*

  • Additional Probiotic to support gut and vaginal health*

No matter what stage of planning, pregnancy, or parenthood you’re currently in, Perelel prenatal supplements have been formulated to provide the nutrients you need right now in their most absorbable, bioavailable formats. This can help take the guesswork out of choosing a prenatal vitamin—so you can focus on enjoying this exciting time in your life.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

1 Benjamin Brown and Ciara Wright; Safety and efficacy of supplements in pregnancy; Oct 2020

2 USDA: Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025

3 Benjamin Brown and Ciara Wright; Safety and efficacy of supplements in pregnancy; Oct 2020

4 Amy M Branum and Katherine A Ahrens; Trends in Timing of Pregnancy Awareness Among US Women; Apr 2017

5 CDC: Unintended Pregnancy

6 Christina Oh, Emily C Keats, and Zulfiqar A Bhutta; Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation During Pregnancy on Maternal, Birth, Child Health and Development Outcomes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis; Feb 2020

7 National Institutes of Health; Folate: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

8 National Institutes of Health; Iron: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

9 National Institutes of Health; Choline: Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

10 Sabina Bastos Maia et al; Vitamin A and Pregnancy: A Narrative Review; Mar 2019

11 Nahid Lorzadeh, Yasaman Kazemirad, and Nastran Kazemirad; Investigating the preventive effect of vitamins C and E on preeclampsia in nulliparous pregnant women; Jul 2020

12 American Pregnancy Association: Prenatal Vitamin Ingredients

13 Erika Ota et al; Zinc supplementation for improving pregnancy and infant outcome; Feb 2015

14 Benjamin Brown and Ciara Wright; Safety and efficacy of supplements in pregnancy; Oct 2020

15 American Pregnancy Association: Constipation in Pregnancy

16 American Pregnancy Association: Prenatal Vitamin Limits

17 FDA; Dietary Supplements: Tips for Women