The journey to motherhood is often one of resilience, commitment, and courage. It's no small feat, becoming 'Mom'—and it's worth celebrating every step of the way. But here's another fact: Once that baby arrives, it's off to the races, with little time to look back on it all.
In honor of Mother's Day, we reached out to a few Perelel customers who have been by our side from the beginning. Spanning new babies, new beginnings, life lessons and silver linings—here are a few of your stories on the path to motherhood.
Read on below.
Alesia Veasman
Once I became a mom, a part of me that I didn't know existed came to life.
Perelel: Why did you choose Perelel to support you throughout your journey? Which product did you start with and where are you now?
Alesia Veasman: I was introduced to Perelel through my good friend, but what sold me was educating myself on the product. Learning that Perelel had created a prenatal that would change through your pregnancy journey and deliver you and your baby the vitamins you needed at that moment was a no-brainer. I have been a loyal fan since day one.
I started with the Conception Support Pack and I'm currently taking the Mom Multi Support, although I could probably graduate to the Women's Daily Vitamin Trio now.
P: How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant?
AV: I remember it like it was yesterday. Seeing the positive pregnancy test was a flood of emotions! I was excited, scared, nervous, grateful, excited, shocked, and excited again. Those emotions were on repeat until my husband got home and I could share the good news with him.
P: What were you most excited about and fearful of?
AV: I was most excited about officially starting our family—and that I got pregnant. I have underlying medical issues and I'm on a handful of medicines, so I thought our fertility journey might be a long one. To this day, I'm still grateful we got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby.
I was most afraid of the unknowns. And I had so many questions! What's next? Literally, what do I do right now? Do I call my doctor? When can I get an ultrasound? What should I eat? I need to switch my prenatals to the first trimester ones. Wait, what? I'm how many weeks? But this just happened! I'm a mom now?
P: How did you take care of yourself in those final weeks before giving birth? Any suggestions to 3rd trimester mamas?
AV: About a month before my due date, I decided to stop working. I was freelance, so I could do that. That last month, I did a lot of self-care. I took long walks (or waddles) in the neighborhood, drank lots of water, read all the pregnancy books, listened to the podcasts to mentally prepare for birth, got prenatal massages, nested hard (I would hang out in our baby's room for hours), ate yummy meals with my husband, binged Netflix, visited with my mom and grandma, and generally did things that made me happy. I was a lady of leisure knowing this would be the last time I could be one.
P: Do you feel like parts of yourself changed after becoming a mom?
AV: Once I became a mom, a part of me that I didn't know existed came to life. I literally look at everyone and think, 'Wow! You're someone's child.'
I'm a lot less selfish and have more empathy towards everyone. As a person, I've completely changed and it's a constant juggling act. Today, I'm the best mom. Tomorrow, I'm a great wife. Next week, I'm a good sister, friend, daughter, colleague...the list goes on.
P: Looking back, what advice would you give yourself at the start of your pregnancy?
AV: I would tell myself, "Don't stress! You've got 10 months to figure this all out. You don't need to know everything or have all the answers right now. Baby steps. You've got this."
Dre Thomas
I've learned to celebrate even the smallest of wins.
P: How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant?
Dre Thomas: I felt all the feels, but mostly elated with a hint of disbelief! The news came at a moment in my life where I felt like I was a bit stagnant and needed something new and boy did I get it.
P: What were you most excited about and most fearful of?
DT: I was most excited about having someone to do things with, like a new best friend. In that same breath, I was scared that I was in over my head and romanticizing everything.
P: Why did you choose Perelel to support you throughout your journey?
DT: I chose Perelel because I was really intrigued by the idea that my vitamins could grow with me. I started with the Conception Support Pack and worked my way through each—1st Tri, 2nd Tri, 3rd Tri. It was really cool how each pack had a different color box. It got me excited about going through the journey and helped with counting down to being a mom. Now, I’m taking the Mom Multi Support Pack.
P: How did you take care of yourself in those final weeks before giving birth? Any suggestions to 3rd trimester mamas?
DT: Lots and lots of naps! In the early stages of my pregnancy, I felt guilty about napping. I kept saying to myself, 'You should be doing this or that or getting this ready.' Towards the end, I really embraced napping and took advantage of it as often as I could.
P: Do you feel like parts of yourself changed after becoming a mom?
DT: The biggest change has been not being able to adequately plan my day and being okay with it. I no longer obsess about ticking everything off my to-do list. I’ve learned to celebrate even the smallest of wins—like taking a shower!
P: Looking back, what advice would you give yourself at the start of your pregnancy?
DT: Embrace taking it easy and eat what you want.
Dani Herber Koenig
I think becoming a mom added a softness to me.

Perelel: How did you feel when you found out you were pregnant?
Dani Herber Koenig: Excited, shocked, terrified—really all of the emotions one can feel in a given moment.
P: What were you most excited about and fearful of?
DHK: I was most excited about having a nuclear family. I'm an only child and my parents divorced when I was young, so I was always looking forward to the time in life when I'd have a family of my own.
With regards to what I was most fearful of, I really hated being pregnant and so I worried I'd harbor some of that resentment of the process towards my baby. Spoiler alert: This did not happen at all and I, somehow, fell instantly in love.
P: How did you take care of yourself in those final weeks before giving birth? Any suggestions to 3rd trimester mamas?
DHK: I went for lots of walks, tried to spend quality time with my husband, and allowed myself to feel however I was feeling, which was mostly exhausted and antisocial—two characteristics very unlike me.
P: Do you feel like parts of yourself changed after becoming a mom?
DHK: I just didn't know I had this level of love inside of me. Sometimes I look at my daughter, and I feel like my heart might physically burst. I think becoming a mom added a softness to me.
P: Why did you choose Perelel to support you throughout your journey?
DHK: I liked that Perelel offered a solution tailored to where I was in my pregnancy journey, and where my baby's development was in that process. This was also the prenatal solution my OB/GYN recommended, so I liked that it was a product she believed in as well.
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This article is for informational purposes only. It is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and we recommend that you always consult with your healthcare provider. To the extent that this article features the advice of physicians or medical practitioners, the views expressed are the views of the cited expert and do not necessarily represent the views of Perelel.