Welcome to our new series: Perelel Lives. We live in a society that glamorizes and celebrates women‘s careers, the companies they’ve built, the movements they’ve created. But, what we’ve failed to highlight is a facet of their lives that is far more personal—a side that presents perhaps the hardest, but most rewarding job of all—a job with no PTO, no holiday breaks, no sick days, and no salary. Oh, and it also lasts a lifetime: motherhood.
Perelel Lives elevates stories on becoming and being a mother from our community of women we admire, women who do it in parallel to their personal and professional pursuits. Here, we have real conversations about motherhood.
If you've ever fallen down the rabbit hole researching non-toxic living tips, you've probably come across Geri Hirsch. The OG fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger started her site Because I'm Addicted back in 2005 and went on to become a cult-loved voice on all things clean living and wellness. Now, the multi-hyphenate force continues to chronicle her adventures all the while sitting as the Creative Director for the Instagram-loved clean beauty brand Saie, owner of the LA-based coffee shop called Neighborhood and now joins our team over here at Perelel as our Strategic Advisor.
But professional pursuits aside—we wanted to chat with Hirsch about her most personal role as mom. We checked in with her for our new series Perelel Lives and covered all things from her shift into motherhood to the daily habits that keep her grounded. Keep reading to see what she had to say.

Perelel: Did you always know you wanted to become a mother?
Geri Hirsch: Yes, 100 percent.
P: Were there periods where you didn’t want to have children?
GH: To be totally honest, when I was in the wrong relationship I questioned if I wanted to have kids. But the truth was that I didn't want to have kids with him.
P: Once you were in the right relationship, how did you know when you were ready? Did you wake up one day and just have a feeling?
GH: I had spent my 20s living my best life. Working hard, playing hard, building a business, traveling...my life was all about me and it was glorious! But at some point after getting married, I started to feel like I needed more purpose. Something bigger than myself. And that was building a family.

P: How did you feel about the idea of motherhood with regards to your career or personal passions? Were you fearful of having to make concessions?
GH: During my pregnancy with Leo the term "girl boss" was newer and everywhere and I had just left the last company I had sold. I found myself super pregnant and super panicked about not having my next company figured out. Who was I if not a "girl boss?" What was my identity? It took a lot of soul searching but ultimately I was able to reconcile with my feelings when she was born. The moment she was here, it put it all into perspective and in the tender fourth trimester, I was able to separate my heart from my ego.
P: How would you describe yourself as a mom versus yourself in your other roles?
GH: I am a very strict mom but pretty chill in general. Kids need boundaries and it's my job to not only provide them but to fully adhere to the boundaries I'm setting. I, of course, bring lots of love and humor to my approach but I don't mess around.

P: What about your priorities. Have the shifted?
GH: One-hundred percent. I cut the fat out of my life: the bullshit and anything that doesn't serve me.
P: What are your proudest moments?
GH: For me personally, having drug-free births changed me forever. I feel like I can do absolutely anything now. And as a mom, seeing my girls happy, healthy, loving and growing up right before my eyes is the greatest joy of my life.

P: How do you stay motivated?
GH: It's intrinsic. And on days when I need a little boost, I ice roll my face, have a coffee, move my body and drink tons of water.
P: We love a good ice roller, too. How do you take care and prioritize yourself?
GH: The secret for me is in my daily habits. Eating whole foods, prioritizing sleep, drinking water, getting dressed and putting on makeup, clocking my 10k steps a day, spending time outside and approaching life with a sense of ease and humor.

P: Couldn't agree more. What’s one piece of advice you would share with another mom-to-be?
"The most difficult part of birth is the first year afterwards. It is the year of travail—when the soul of a woman must birth the mother inside her. The emotional labour pains of becoming a mother are far greater than the physical pangs of birth; these are the growing surges of your heart as it pushes out selfishness and fear and makes room for sacrifice and love. It is a private and silent birth of the soul, but it is no less holy than the event of childbirth, perhaps it is even more sacred." - Joy Kusek
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